For the second time in a row, the Honda Civic Hybrid has once again gained triumph in claiming Germany's title as the most ecological car by the renowned Verkehrsclub Deutschland in its Environmental Car Ratings for 2007-2008. (Note: the VCD is a major transport and environment organization in Germany) VCD wanted to choose the quietest vehicles with the lowest fuel consumption and lowest level of emissions. As expected, the Honda Civic Hybrid was well-able to meet all these requirements, delivering environmental compatibility and a comfortable driving. The Civic Hybrid was also noted for its quietness on the road, which all the more justified the organization's recognition.
In the previous recognition, the Honda Civic Hybrid was able to best 350 contenders for this title, and it has also been named as the best car in the compact class. According to Honda, the Civic Hybrid is their latest embodiment for long-term commitment to the development of environmentally friendly technologies that are also fun to drive.
So once again, the Civic did it, and was able to come out gracefully on top.